Keep Tabs of These Things When Installing Transformers

Sometimes the power demands on your business facility can be so great to the extent that you cannot share transformers with other consumers. In such cases, you can install a dedicated transformer to step up the power equipment for your machines and ensure that you have enough charge to run all your operations. If you do not have a dedicated transformer in such cases, power outages and shortages will be common because the output of the transformer cannot meet the demand of the consumers. On that note, here are the things you must consider when installing a dedicated transformer on your premises.

Oil-filled or Dry Type

Oil-filled and dry type transformers are very popular these days. Choosing the right type of transformer will not only be convenient for your business, but also productive because you will enjoy optimal power output. Basically, oil-filled transformers come with insulating oil made using mineral oil. The oil acts as insulation to cool the transformer when the temperature rises too much. For efficient cooling, the oil has to be chemically stable, support thermal conductivity and have excellent dielectric strength. Anytime the oil loses any of these properties, you must replace it for the transformer to remain efficient. On the other hand, dry type transformers use high-temperature conductor and insulation systems instead of mineral oils. They are a safer option because there is no need for fireproof vaults.

Overall, you should likely go for dry type transformers. They are safer and have limited secondary loss along the power line.

Noise Levels

Noise levels are another consideration, especially if you are installing the transformer next to an office or medical facility. Make sure that you go for a transformer that has state-of-the-art noise attenuation mechanisms to prevent disturbances near offices and other noise-sensitive places.

High Insulation and Short Circuit Strength

Short circuits are a notorious problem for transformers in the world of powering. It occurs when opposing electric charges come into contact. A fault current is generated and passes through the transformer's load side and causes thermal stress. The heat then spreads through the machine and leads to overheating and failure of electrical conductivity. You should thus go for a transformer with a high resistance to short circuits. Since a fault current will always travel back to the transformer, go for one fitted with special fuses that will keep the fault current from reaching the heat sensitive parts of the transformer.
